About Us

The LGTBQ Consortium is changing to the Queer Resource Collective, or QUuRC. To learn more about this transition, read our blog about the transition to QurC.

QuRC, originally called the LGBTQ Consortium was founded in May of 2009 as a collaborative effort focused on the needs of the greater lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, and questioning populations within Maricopa County, Arizona. The Consortium has since expanded to address needs of the LGBTQ populations in the state of Arizona, as a whole through partnerships and presence on advisory boards and in organizations throughout the state.

QuRC is an integrated prevention coalition comprised of individual community members, businesses, corporations, and non-profit organizations, key stakeholders, politicians, social service agencies, and advocacy groups. Each member or ally works together to accomplish the joint mission and strategic plan of our group and would like to see positive change take place.

Our mission to serve the gender and sexual minority groups in Arizona stem from three principle services:

  • as a referral agency for individuals seeking services and networks in the state;
  • as a consultant and training entity for health and human service agencies, hospitals and providers seeking to make their spaces more accessible; and
  • as a case management resource for individuals in the LGBTQ community whose needs are not yet being met by any single organization.

QuRC currently is managed by 5 board members. If you are interested in joining our board or creating a subcommittee, please contact Trey Jenkins at trey.jenkins08@gmail.com.